Sabbath Keepers Motorcycle Ministry


Sabbath Keepers Motorcycle Ministry (SKMM) is a Seventh-day Adventist ministry committed to spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ to the motorcycle community. The Ceres, Calif., based ministry has more then 20 chapters spread from Florida to California with one in Canada and Australia. Membership is open to all baptized members of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Chapters are sponsored by an Adventist Church, but are aided by elected national officers that are in charge of growth, chapter formation and chapter mentorship among other things. 

Local chapters will often participate in motorcycle rallies, charity rides, dedication services, or other motorcycle related activities. Personal contact and literature evangelism are the primary methods used to spread the gospel. However, SKMM does not limit itself to ministering to the motorcycle community, or even requiring members to have a motorcycle.



You must be a member in good standing of the Seventh-day Adventist Church and at least 18 years-old. Check out our list of chapters to see if there is a chapter near you. If there is a chapter close to you, use the contact information to get a hold of the local chapter president.

All prospective new members must attend at least three monthly Sabbath Keepers meetings or activities before full membership can be considered. Once you have been voted into the chapter, you may purchase and wear the SKMM patch. 





Sabbath Keepers indicates our allegiance to the law of God.

Seventh-day Adventist identifies our religious affiliation.

Mark 2:28 identifies who we serve.

The three angels blowing trumpets in the center signifies the three angel’s messages of Revelation 14 that will go out with power to the ends of the earth in the last days.

Blue signifies the perfect law of liberty, the law of God, the reflection and foundation of His character (see Numbers 15:37-39).

Gold signifies the trying process that all His followers go through and the promise that when His work is finished in us we will be the perfect reflection of Him (see Zechariah 13:9).



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